The Broken Bow School District will host a JOM/Title VI meeting on Tuesday, April 25th, at 6:00pm in the high school library.
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
JOM Logo
BBHS Prom 2023 - May 13th "A Night to Remember" (city skyline, lights, sunset, and stars) This year the Broken Bow Junior/Senior Prom will be at the Choctaw Community Center at 1346 E Martin Luther King Dr. in Broken Bow on Saturday, May 13th from 7PM-11PM. Tickets are $25 and are available from Ms. Amber Hale at the high school between classes/during lunch, or students can pay at the door. Volunteers needed! Junior/Senior parent volunteers can contact Ms. Hale at the high school office at 580-584-3365 and leave a message with a call back number to help.
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
Save The Date Saturday, April 15 2:00 - 4:00 pm Works by RJMS Art 1 students will be exhibited at The Gallery on 11 North Central in Idabel. Come support our young artists at their first exhibit. They are working hard painting their “truths.”
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Schools
Easel with Art Show Invite
Congrats to the April Seniors of the Month!
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
Broken Bow High school had 40 students compete at SEOSU curriculum contest on 3/29. 6 Students qualified for state in 8 different areas - see the pictures below for results. Go, Savages!
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
No School on Good Friday, April 7 - Have a safe and happy Easter weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Bbisd Admin
easter eggs
The Broken Bow ESports team went to the State Smash Tournament on April 1st in Weatherford, OK. Two Savages, Seth Sanders and Omar Lopez, placed in the top 128 Smash players in the State and made their mark in the Oklahoma Esports Community. #ItsAGreatDaytobeASavage #SavagePride
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
Congratulations to Claire Burris on being name the Kiwanis Sophomore of the Year!
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools
kiwanis logo
Broken Bow Public Schools will host a JOM/Title VI meeting on Tuesday, March 28, at 6:00pm in the BBHs Library.
almost 2 years ago, Broken Bow Public Schools