School Bus Safety

School bus safety is a significant factor in our school system that is often overlooked. It is important for students and parents to follow these important safety tips.
For Students:
Be on time.
Never run to or from the bus.
Stand back from the curb.
Don't push or shove.
Stay in your seat.
Don't yell or shout.
Always obey the driver.
Wait for the driver's signal before crossing.
Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
Never crawl under a school bus.
For Parents:
Make sure your children get to the school bus stop in plenty of time.
Discourage loosely fitting and baggy clothing that can get caught in handrails, in swinging doors, and on seats.
The most dangerous area is at the loading and unloading areas. Instruct your children to avoid horseplay and to stay back away from the bus until it is okay to board.
Instruct your children to remain seated while on the bus, and avoid horseplay or being exceptionally noisy.
It is up to seven times safer for children to ride the bus to school vs. riding in the private passenger vehicle. Encourage your children to take the bus.
Stop for school buses with red lights flashing...even in the school yard!
Don't buy student raincoats that are yellow, buy another color. The yellow raincoat has a tendency to blend in with the yellow school bus making it hard for motorists to see the student.
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