How to Get Better Grades
How to Get Better Grades
1. Study Effectively
Take care of yourself: Get enough sleep, eat right, and get some exercise to keep your mind sharp.
Eliminate distractions: Turn off the TV and music, don't take phone calls, and take periodic breaks to refresh yourself.
Create a good study spot: Find a quiet, well-lit, comfortable place with everything you need in reach.
2. Study Effectively
Avoid procrastination: Make a schedule, break large tasks into smaller ones, and cross off tasks as you finish. Do the hardest thing first and get it over with.
Organize your homework: Organize your notes by subject, organize your assignments, and write down due dates.
Study actively: Read headings and subheadings to get an overall idea first. Take notes as you read and ask yourself what the most important parts are.
3. Prepare for Tests
Learn about the test: Write down what the teacher says the test will cover and what kinds of questions to expect.
Know what's important to review: Check questions and problems you missed, be sure you can answer questions in the book, and review your notes.
Review to remember: Start early so your brain has time to absorb the information. Join a study group to get help from other students. Review actively, reading important parts aloud and writing out answers to questions.
Avoid Bad Study Habits
1. Study in Bed
As appealing as it sounds to curl up in bed with your book, your bed is not a good place to study. You're more likely to fall asleep, so studying in your designated study spot is a much better idea.
2. Cramming before a test
Your brain needs time and repetition to process material, so spread out your study time during the week before the test. Plus, you need a good nights sleep before the day of the test to stay alert and do your best.
3. Reading Material One Time
Most people don't remember the material the first time they read it. By scheduling your study time in advance, you can reread your material so that you will remember more when its test time.
4. Doing "Busy Work"
Doing things like re-copying your notes and organizing your binder and activities that eat into your study time. If you know you have to do these things, schedule extra time apart from studying to get them done.