State Testing Information

Who will be tested?
• All students 

What is being tested?
• Grade 6 Mathematics and Reading
• Grade 7 Mathematics,
 and Reading, 
• Grade 8 Mathematics, Reading, Science,and Writing

How can parents help their children do well?
• Encourage your child to take responsibility for homework and class study.
• Praise your child for work well done.
• Be aware of test dates; schedule appointments on non-testing dates. 
• Gather available test preparation materials.
• Review practice materials with your child ahead of time.
• See that your child is rested and eats breakfast.
• See that your child arrives at school on time and is relaxed.
• Encourage your child to do the best work possible.
• Make sure your child attends school every day.

Where do I find more information?
• Your child’s teacher and school counselor
• The Parent Guide distributed one week prior to testing

Rector Johnson Middle School State Testing Dates
Spring 2020

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Mathematics and English

Mathematics and English

Mathematics, Science and English

Students, use this link to prepare for their OSTP tests.

Username:  practice
Password:  testing